Ah, the dreaded TWW...the anxious period of time for a TTCer between Ovulation and Pee On A Stick (POAS) time. This feeling falls somewhere between a 4 year old awaiting the arrival of Santa and the time between 4:45 and 5pm before punching out for a long weekend.
The first two weeks are easy...well they tend to pass quickly enough unless one has elusive ovulation. I experienced this again, it was 4 days late. I experienced this in June because of travelling, this time it was stress related.
During the last two weeks it's the time a woman scrutinizes over every psuedo-pregnancy symptom and temperature increase if she's FAM charting. So how does one pass the time without appearing neurotic? It doesn't help that on a near daily basis DH has been asking if it's time to POAS, but for me I've been quietly thinking up ways to share news of a BFP. Even then, it's a good idea to try and get your mind off of just how slowly the days are passing.
Now would be a good time to pick up a book you've been putting off reading, or learning about a new hobby or craft. I've been doing some quilling. Exciting work, yes I know, but I have a special place in my heart for paper crafts. If it all works out well, I'll have a bunch of quilled snowflake ornaments in time for Christmas!
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