Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sea Monkey Stats Week 29

How far along? 29 weeks

Weight? 135.5

Symptoms? Constipation, dry/itchy skin (belly), leaky nipples, pelvic/hip pain

Maternity clothes? Yes

Nursery Purchases? Moon and Stars mobile on Clearance from BRU

Stretch marks? Just a tiny one around my piercing scar

Sleep? I’m starting to feel exhausted again. I don’t know if it is because I have been doing too much lately, or if it is just the 3rd trimester fatigue kicking in. I can’t wait until we have a day or two where I can try to catch up on sleep.

Best moment this week? Getting through the glucose test. Really, it wasn’t as bad as I expected. I had the fruit punch and chugged it without much problem. It did make me pretty sleepy in the afternoon though.

Movement? Yes, stronger each day. I feel like sea monkey is getting a little cramped for space

Food cravings? Sweets, Mint M&Ms, pumpkin muffins and pumpkin cheesecake

What I miss? Did some shopping this weekend, trying to find something snazzy to wear to DHs work party, and I keep running into clothes that I wish I could wear now. So, I'm missing more tailored clothes again, and missing some of my old clothes.

What I'm looking forward to? Thanksgiving and getting to see lots of family and also to have a few days off to rest.

Emotions? Mixed emotions this week. It could easily be a result of going and going and going this week. I hadn’t really had a day this week where something wasn’t planned in the evening. Glucose test Monday and garage cleaning, RCIA class on Tuesday, child care class on Wednesday, Hospital tour and class on Thursday, dinner with friends Friday, childbirth class and DH’s office party Saturday…

In fact, I had an emotional breakdown Friday after work, before our friends arrived. Just crying over pure frustration, really. I felt better afterward, but for a while I was feeling pretty bad about how I'm going to deal with being a parent.

I’m starting to get over my anxieties about labor, but it’s taking a conscious effort and constant reinforcement on my part. It helps when getting encouragement from DH unexpectedly.

Welcome to 30 Weeks

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